neděle 31. května 2015

středa 27. května 2015

Why I became a vegan? From a simple respect for All Creation. From a simple  REVERENCE to Goddess - God.   Kaczeka Osh

sobota 23. května 2015


...So...:)))  I got a mood to write the text for the anthem for the new state "Liberland"...So...HERE WE GO ;D
Text k hudbe Hymny cz/en version by Kaczeka Osh - COPY CORE
NAS LIBERLAND - cz verze
Nas Liberland
Prekrasna Zeme
Touhou v srdcich konejsi
Nas Liberland
Prekrasna Zeme
Virou v Mire Vezdejsi
Ta pre-kra-sna
Zeme stou-pa
k sla-ve sve
Te Ze-me - Li-ber-land
OUR LIBERLAND – en version
Our Liberland
Beautiful Country
Longing Through Hearts
Our Liberland
Beautiful Country
In our Souls
Stays in Faith
This Bea-uti-ful
Land of Glo-ry
Pure as Diamond
Ri-sing up as